Following such a cold and snowy winter, Journal of the American Revolution used the beginning of summer as a good excuse to temporarily slow things down. While articles were published less frequently for a few weeks, we still welcomed four new writers: Nancy K. Loane, John Beakes, Mary V. Thompson and Richard F. Welch. Starting this week, our tempo will pick up again with exciting new contributions from Wayne Lynch, Michael Schellhammer, Lars D. H. Hedbor, Jim Piecuch, Robert Scott Davis and Hugh T. Harrington. Plus, the week of July 7-11 is reserved for our fourth group interview. We have another round of fun, thought-provoking questions and answers to share with our readers. Stay tuned for an action-packed July, but first…
The 10 most popular articles of June 2014:
- Explaining Pennsylvania’s Militia by Thomas Verenna
- An Elegant Dinner with General Washington at Valley Forge Headquarters by Nancy K. Loane
- The Talented Major Tallmadge by Richard F. Welch
- William Lee & Oney Judge: A Look at George Washington & Slavery by Mary V. Thompson
- The Service of William Campbell of Virginia by John Beakes
- Wrecked in a Thousand Pieces: Loss of Martha by Todd Braisted
- Under His Vine and Fig Tree by Gary Shattuck
- A Dark Day in the Revolution by Lars D. H. Hedbor
- George Washington Makes the Case for a Boycott by Michael Cecere
- Baron de Kalb’s Last Campaign by Wayne Lynch
The 10 most popular articles of 2014 so far:
- AMC’s “Turn”: Everything Historians Need to Know by Michael Schellhammer
- 8 Fast Facts About Camp Followers by Robert M. Dunkerly
- You Say Huzzah! They Said Huzzay! by Norman Fuss
- How Old Were Redcoats? Age and Experience of British Soldiers in America by Don N. Hagist
- Dissecting the Timeline of Paul Revere’s Ride by Derek W. Beck
- The 25 Deadliest Battles of the Revolutionary War by Todd Andrlik
- Abraham Woodhull: The Spy Named Samuel Culper by Michael Schellhammer
- The Darker Side of the Militia by Thomas Verenna
- You Won’t Believe How Samuel Adams Recruited Sons of Liberty by J. L. Bell
- Franklin’s Top 15 Items to Take on a Cruise by John L. Smith, Jr.
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"Lord Dunmore’s Ethiopian Regiment"
Thanks for your very interesting article, Andrew. There were also at least...
"Dissecting The Battle of..."
The Painting was apparently stolen [Wikipedia] This painting's whereabouts are unknown as...
"Scott’s Levies: The Virginia..."
John, Some excellent research on a challenging subject. Appreciate your efforts in...