January was an exciting launch month for us. We published a smorgasbord of great content from several authors: Todd Andrlik, Rick Britton, Hugh T. Harrington, David Lee Russell, Michael Schellhammer, and Morgan Sumrell. Journal of the American Revolution is a multi-author online magazine so we always welcome new editorial submissions and ideas. Contact us today at ed****@al**************.com to discuss your idea. And please join us in celebrating our first month of publishing by taking a stroll through the top 10 most popular Journal of the American Revolution articles based on January’s site traffic.
10 // All For Liberty by Hugh T. Harrington
9 // 11 Questions with Thomas Fleming by Todd Andrlik
8 // James Monroe: Bona Fide Hero of the American Revolution by Rick Britton
7 // John Trumbull: Art and Politics in the Revolution by Morgan Sumrell
6 // The Greatest Scoop of All Time? by Todd Andrlik
5 // Tarleton: Before He Became “Bloody Ban” by Michael Schellhammer
4 // Dear Mr. History: Wondering About Washington by Michael Schellhammer
3 // Life in the Southern Colonies (Part 1 of 3) by David Lee Russell
2 // Top 10 Revolutionary War Movies by Hugh T. Harrington
1 // The Ultimate Revolutionary War Infographic by Todd Andrlik
We have an intoxicating pipeline of content in February so be sure to bookmark allthingsliberty.com.
The editors at
Journal of the American Revolution
Recent Articles
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Recent Comments
"James Easton vs. Benedict..."
To the Editor: I greatly enjoyed Mr. Elmore’s article about the relationship...
"Dr. Warren’s Crucial Informant"
Fischer’s Paul Revere’s Ride did indeed portray the Gages as estranged after...
"African Americans and Native..."
Thank you for your response Eugene. I too believe this William Lomax...