The JAR 2018 Annual Volume is going on a road trip and you’re invited! If you plan on visiting any Revolutionary War historic sites or reenactments this summer or fall, be sure to pack your 2018 Annual Volume! Snap some photos of your volume at historic locations or with reenactors and post the pics to your social media!
Be sure to tag us on Facebook (, or tweet us at @JourAmerRevo ( using the hashtag #JARroadtrip and we’ll feature some of the photos!
We can’t wait to see all of the interesting places our readers, contributors, and authors visit. So don’t forget to bring along your JAR Annual Volume on your next historic adventure!
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Recent Comments
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To the Editor: I greatly enjoyed Mr. Elmore’s article about the relationship...
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Fischer’s Paul Revere’s Ride did indeed portray the Gages as estranged after...
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Thank you for your response Eugene. I too believe this William Lomax...