Thank you to all our readers and authors for making April 2014 our second best traffic month ever with 72,000 pageviews. Huzzay! This month we welcomed new contributors Todd Braisted, Norman Fuss, Jim Blackburn and Joshua Shepherd. Since our launch in January 2013, fifty-nine writers have joined the JAR team and we are grateful for all the talent and time they give toward making JAR excellent.
And thank you to our newest advertiser, New York’s Mohawk Valley Region–America’s first frontier. Plan your next trip to the scenic and historic Mohawk Valley using the themed itineraries located at
In April, we generated some publishing buzz by unveiling the Journal of the American Revolution Book Awards, an annual book prize to the non-fiction volume that best mirrors the JAR mission, which is to deliver passionate, creative and smart content that makes Revolution history more palatable for a broad audience. Please contact the publishers of your favorite 2014 books and encourage them to make the easy nomination!
April was also loaded with exciting, timely and controversial features that inspired nearly 200 reader comments and multiple mentions around the web. The 239th anniversary of Lexington and Concord motivated a variety of Paul Revere-related content and we celebrated the television premiere of AMC’s “Turn.” Lastly, we turned the historical world upside down because Norman Fuss proved we’ve all been mispronouncing our favorite 18th century expression. With that, here are the 10 most popular articles of April 2014:
- AMC’s “Turn”: Everything Historians Need to Know by Michael Schellhammer
- You Say Huzzah! They Said Huzzay! by Norman Fuss
- Dissecting the Timeline of Paul Revere’s Ride by Derek W. Beck
- Who Shot First? The Americans! by Derek W. Beck
- Did Paul Revere’s Ride Really Matter? by J. L. Bell
- A Want of Arms in Pennsylvania by Thomas Verenna
- A Patriot-Loyalist: Playing Both Sides by Todd Braisted
- The Real Allegheny Uprising by Thomas Verenna
- Paul Revere’s Other Rides by Ray Raphael
- Washington’s Belated Admission by Benjamin Huggins
Recent Articles
Making the Presidency: John Adams and the Precedents That Forged the Republic
Cricket Hill and Gwynn’s Island: Captain Arundel’s Only Fight
Samuel Mason: Revolutionary Turncoat or Opportunistic Pirate?
Recent Comments
"The Culper Spy Ring..."
Looking back I realized the cause of the error. The date of...
"Patrick Ferguson’s Fortification Proposals..."
Brian, Fantastic read and materials! Glad to see the dots connecting Ferguson’s...
"Washington’s Marines: The Origin..."
Excellent review--thoughtful, knowledgeable, well written and informative.