Welcome to 2014 and a fresh face for Journal of the American Revolution. The new year came in like a lion with several fantastic articles, many new contributors, a shiny new design of allthingsliberty.com, and, oh yeah, those polar vortexes! Or is it vortices? We anticipate an even more exciting year ahead and hope you’ll join the ongoing history conversation with contributions and commentary. Also, if you missed it, Armchair General magazine published a glowing review of our hardcover commemorative edition. We’ll take this opportunity to share just the first paragraph of the review:
Wow! I couldn’t put this down, read it in one five-hour sitting. Me. A guy who finds mistakes in Revolutionary War books that won the Pulitzer Prize. Who can tell you whether or not Ethan Allen got a smallpox inoculation. Who has memorized the opening lines of Paine’s The Crisis. And I found more information in this one volume than I have in the last half-dozen books on the Revolutionary War that I read.
Click here to read the full review. The book is for sale on Amazon for about $20. Show your support for our free online magazine by purchasing a second copy for your valentine this February.
Now, per our tradition, we like to close each month with a list of the 10 most popular articles published during the previous month. These are the articles that generated the most buzz, or achieved the most site traffic. They are worth surfacing again for those who may have missed them. Enjoy!
- Franklin’s Top 15 Items to Take on a Cruise by John L. Smith, Jr.
- Lost and Found by Todd Andrlik
- Sleepy Hollow: Some Historical Perspective by Thomas Verenna
- Paul Revere’s Other Riders by Ray Raphael
- Mutiny of the Pennsylvania Line by Michael Schellhammer
- The Importance of Observation and Inspection by Thomas Verenna
- Washington Authorizes Plan to Kidnap Future King by Christian McBurney
- A Very Special Boston Tea Party Reenactment by Elizabeth M. Covart
- The Memory of Revolution and the War of 1812 by Matt Barrett
- The Signal of Sam Adams by Ray Raphael
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While certainly love to see my hometown's Revolutionary War Chaplain mentioned, John...
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John, I enjoyed the article. Thank you. Though, in the second to...
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Mr. Hogan - Your article is astounding! Growing up in Milford I...