Tag: weapons

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Disarming the Disaffected

In a previous article I said that there are “times when a gun would have come in real handy” but there were no guns to be found.[1] Well the flip side to that coin is when guns aren’t so useful—at least not to you—and those incidents generally involve guns that are being aimed at you. […]

by Thomas Verenna
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A Want of Arms in Pennsylvania

Remember when I wrote that nobody ever said life on the Pennsylvania frontier was easy?[1]  Well, as it turns out, it was a lot more difficult than even I previously thought.  Between battling it out with Connecticut Yankees and Indians, dealing with localized violence, and having to put up with a relatively untrained and undisciplined […]

by Thomas Verenna
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Bows and Arrows – Pikes and Spears

“…good weapons not wisely laid aside” Wartime brings urgency to the quest for better weapons systems.  That is as true today as it was during the American Revolution.  However, the search for effective weapons does not always require seeking out the new or untried inventions.  The needs may sometimes be met using old technology. Indisputably, […]

by Hugh T. Harrington
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The Aim of British Soldiers

Myth: British soldiers were taught not to aim, but merely to point the piece towards the target[1] …the British soldier was a poor marksman. Actually, he did not “aim” his musket but merely “pointed” it at the enemy. The British manual of arms did not even include the command “Aim!”[2] Its inaccuracy was reflected in […]

by Don N. Hagist
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The Inaccuracy of Muskets

A musket is not an accurate weapon.  That’s a well known fact.  But, why is it inaccurate and what can we learn from its shortcoming we can apply to studies of the Revolutionary War battlefield. There are innumerable variables concerning the musket.  To keep this analysis simple most of the variables will be ignored (things […]

by Hugh T. Harrington