Tag: Don Hagist

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Review: Noble Volunteers: The British Soldiers Who Fought the American Revolution

Noble Volunteers: The British Soldiers Who Fought the American Revolution by Don Hagist. Foreword by Rick Atkinson. (Yardley, PA: Westholme Publishing, 2020) Back in the 1950s, respected military commentator Walter Millis (1899-1968) stated that British soldiers at the time of the American Revolution represented “a class apart.” They were, “generally speaking, from the least productive elements […]

by James Kirby Martin
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2014 Conference on the American Revolution

This past weekend, scores of professional and amateur historians converged in Williamsburg, Virginia, for the 3rd Annual Conference on the American Revolution, a three-day event hosted by America’s History, LLC. Journal of the American Revolution (JAR) Editors Todd Andrlik and Don Hagist were among the conference speakers, which included: Edward G. Lengel: “Philadelphia is the […]

by Editors
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Westholme Publishing: Four Selections

I write the following book reviews to promote a small, but well-respected, outfit specializing in publishing Revolutionary War books (as well as other nonfiction works):  Westholme Publishing of Yardley, Pennsylvania.  Full disclosure:  Westholme has published two Revolutionary War books of mine (see author’s biography below).  Westholme provides a terrific service to those interested in studying […]

by Christian McBurney
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Top 10 Most Popular Articles in March 2013

Today is the Journal of the American Revolution‘s 60-article anniversary. Every weekday for 12 straight weeks, Journal of the American Revolution (allthingsliberty.com) has published exclusive and exciting content about the most important event in American history. To avoid bombarding your inbox with a new message every day, this newsletter is only distributed monthly, containing a […]

by Editors
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British Soldiers, American War – Voices of the American Revolution

Americans, even Americans who enjoy studying the American Revolution, don’t know much about the British soldiers.  While British officers have left some written accounts of themselves and their experiences the private soldiers’ left very, very little. Don Hagist has filled the knowledge void for the private soldier as well as it can be filled.  Personal […]

by Hugh T. Harrington
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Top 10 Facts About British Soldiers

1 // They were volunteers The British Army was not allowed to force men into service by conscription or impressment. When the war began, men in the ranks had all enlisted voluntarily. For a period in 1778 and 1779 impressment was legalized in specific circumstances but this unpopular measure was soon discontinued and contributed few […]

by Don N. Hagist