Author: Editors

Journal of the American Revolution ( is the leading online source for original research on the Revolutionary and Founding Eras.

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This Week on Dispatches: Joseph Wroblewski on the Queen’s Rangers during the British Occupation of Philadelphia

On this week’s Dispatches host Brady Crytzer interviews educator and JAR contributor Joseph Wroblewski on the operations of the Queen’s Rangers during the British occupation of Philadelphia in 1777–1778. Thousands of readers like you enjoy the articles published by the Journal of the American Revolution. Dispatches is a free podcast that puts a voice to the writing […]

by Editors
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This Week on Dispatches: Rick Atkinson on The British Are Coming

On this week’s Dispatches host Brady Crytzer interviews Pulitzer-prize winning author Rick Atkinson about his latest book, the best-selling The British are Coming: The War for America, Lexington to Princeton, 1775–1777, the first volume of his trilogy on the War of Independence. Thousands of readers like you enjoy the articles published by the Journal of the […]

by Editors
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Historic Structures and Sites Worth Preserving?

A recent article mentioned Sidman’s Tavern in New Jersey, a building with strong connections to the American Revolution that is under threat of destruction. That compelled us to ask our contributors: “Which historical structure related to America’s founding that is currently not recognized by a foundation, group, or organization do you think deserves preservation?” While […]

by Editors
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This Week on Dispatches: J. L. Bell on Truths and Myths of the Declaration of Independence

On this week’s Dispatches host Brady Crytzer interviews author and historian J. L. Bell on the Declaration of Independence and which stories surrounding the document are probably true or probably not. As your host Brady Crytzer says, “Sit back, relax, and enjoy the interview. . . .” New episodes of Dispatches are available for free every […]

by Editors
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This Week on Dispatches: Andrew Waters on the Campaign in the Carolinas

On this week’s Dispatches host Brady Crytzer interviews JAR contributor Andrew Waters on the course of the campaign through the Carolinas, including Cowpens and other key engagements. His experience as a land conservator has provided him a knowledge of the Carolina backcountry that enhances his interpretation of the campaign. As your host Brady Crytzer says, “Sit back, […]

by Editors
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This Week on Dispatches: Tristan J. New on Joseph Galloway’s Efforts for a Peaceful Resolution with Great Britain

On this week’s Dispatches host Brady Crytzer interviews budding scholar Tristan J. New about Joseph Galloway and his proposal for a peaceful political resolution with Great Britain rather than armed rebellion. His proposal was  rejected by Congress and sent him firmly into the Loyalist camp once the war began. As your host Brady Crytzer says, “Sit […]

by Editors
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This Week on Dispatches: John L. Smith, Jr. on John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, and King Louis XVI together at Notre-Dame

On this week’s Dispatches host Brady Crytzer interviews actor, teacher, US Army and US Air Force veteran, and JAR contributor, John L. Smith, Jr., about the extraordinary day in 1785 when Thomas Jefferson, John Adams and his family, and the king and queen of France attended a service at Notre-Dame. As your host Brady Crytzer says, […]

by Editors
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This Week on Dispatches: Philip D. Weaver on the Court-Martial of New York Captain Joel Pratt

On this week’s Dispatches host Brady Crytzer interviews JAR contributor, independent researcher, and living historian Philip D. Weaver on the story of New York Captain Joel Pratt and his court-martial. As your host Brady Crytzer says, “Sit back, relax, and enjoy the interview. . . .” New episodes of Dispatches are available for free every Sunday […]

by Editors
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Contributor Close Up: Kelly Mielke

A lifelong lover of history, Kelly Mielke lives in Charleston, South Carolina, with her husband, four cats, dog, and horse. Passionate about academic pursuits, Kelly holds a master’s degree in history from the joint program between the College of Charleston and the Citadel and is currently pursuing a second Master’s degree in English. When she’s […]

by Editors
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This Week on Dispatches: Charles H. Lagerbom on HMS Albany and Henry Mowatt

On this week’s Dispatches host Brady Crytzer interviews historian and archaeologist Charles H. Lagerbom about the British sloop-of-war HMS Albany  and its captain Henry Mowatt, known for the bombardment of  Falmouth, Maine, and the defeat of the American Penobscot Expedition. The Albany  was wrecked off Maine in 1782 and has been subject to underwater archaeology. As your host […]

by Editors
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This Week on Dispatches: Michael Gadue on Naval Strategies of the Saratoga Campaign

On this week’s Dispatches host Brady Crytzer interviews law professor and US Army officer Michael Gadue about naval strategies during the Saratoga campaign, including the construction of the British floating gun battery, Thunderer. As your host Brady Crytzer says, “Sit back, relax, and enjoy the interview. . . .” New episodes of Dispatches are available for free every […]

by Editors
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This Week on Dispatches: Michael J. Sheehan on the Battle of Stony Point

On this week’s Dispatches host Brady Crytzer interviews Michael J. Sheehan, contributor and senior historian at the Stony Point Battlefield State Historic Site, about misconceptions and stories about the battle, and its significance to the American war effort. As your host Brady Crytzer says, “Sit back, relax, and enjoy the interview. . . .” New episodes of […]

by Editors
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This Week on Dispatches: George Kotlik on the Floridas During the American Revolution

On this week’s Dispatches host Brady Crytzer interviews George Kotlik, contributor and teacher, about the British colonies of East and West Florida during the American Revolution. As your host Brady Crytzer says, “Sit back, relax, and enjoy the interview. . . .” New episodes of Dispatches are available for free every Sunday evening (Eastern United States […]

by Editors
Beyond the Classroom Posted on

Adam Blumenthal, creator of the Burning the Gaspee Virtual Reality Experience

We recently received a demonstration of an exciting virtual-reality experience designed to teach middle and high school students about one of the key events leading to the American Revolution, the burning of HMS Gaspee in Rhode Island. The project’s creator, Adam Blumenthal, professor of the practice of computer science at Brown University, discussed the project with […]

by Editors
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This Week on Dispatches: Harlow Giles Unger on Robert Morris and the American Revolution

In this week’s Dispatches host Brady Crytzer interviews distinguished journalist and historian Harlow Giles Unger about Robert Morris and his critical role in financially supporting the American cause; in addition, Morris developed strategies and techniques of trade and investment at the core of capitalism that are still used today. As your host Brady Crytzer says, “Sit back, […]

by Editors
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This Week on Dispatches: Geoff Smock on Alexander Hamilton’s Childhood in the Caribbean

In this week’s Dispatches host Brady Crytzer interviews JAR contributor and Seattle-area middle school history teacher Geoff Smock about how Alexander Hamilton’s difficult childhood experiences in the Caribbean helped shape his future political ideology. As your host Brady Crytzer says, “Sit back, relax, and enjoy the interview. . . .” New episodes of Dispatches are available […]

by Editors
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This Week on Dispatches: Todd Braisted on Discovering Barnard E. Griffiths, Queen’s Ranger, Emancipated Slave

Dispatches can now be easily accessed on the JAR main menu. Host Brady Crytzer discusses historian Todd Braisted’s remarkable discovery of a slave who was emancipated by John Graves Simcoe, commander of the Loyalist regiment, Queen’s Rangers, who went on to distinguish himself in battle, and ended up as a free man with a pension […]

by Editors
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This Week on Dispatches: Cho-Chien Feng on the Revolutionary Memories of New York Loyalists

In this week’s Dispatches host Brady Crytzer interviews St. Louis University doctoral candidate Cho-Chien Feng about what the American Revolution meant to Loyalists after the war. He also discusses how he became interested in the American Revolution and the broader idea of political loyalism. As Brady notes, Feng is inspiring: born in Taiwan, he learned English, […]

by Editors
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This Week on Dispatches: Robert Davis on Georgia and the American Revolution

In this week’s Dispatches host Brady Crytzer interviews distinguished historian Robert “Bob” Davis about Georgia’s unique role in the American Revolution as the colony that bordered Spanish territory and, after independence was declared, British East Florida. Georgia came slowly to the Patriot cause, remaining loyal to the King longer than any other colony, until they finally […]

by Editors
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This Week on Dispatches: Richard Werther on Lambert Wickes, Continental Navy Captain

In this week’s Dispatches host Brady Crytzer and JAR contributor Richard J. Werther discuss the life of Captain Lambert Wickes, the differences between “piracy” and “privateering,” and the origins of the Continental Navy. As your host says, “Sit back, relax, and enjoy the interview. . . .” New episodes of Dispatches are available for free every […]

by Editors
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This Week on Dispatches: Jeff Dacus on Stephen Moylan, Irish Immigrant and Continental Officer

In this week’s Dispatches host Brady Crytzer interviews JAR contributor, Marine Corps veteran, and retired history teacher Jeff Dacus about Stephen Moylan, an Irish immigrant who became one of George Washington’s most trusted and life-long friends. As your host says, “Sit back, relax, and enjoy the interview. . . .” New episodes of Dispatches are available for […]

by Editors
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This Week on Dispatches: Katie Turner Getty and the Notorious Prison Ship Jersey

In this week’s Dispatches host Brady Crytzer interviews JAR contributor and editorial board member Katie Turner Getty about a dark side of the American Revolution, the notorious prison hulk, HMS Jersey. Thousands of American prisoners—some as young as twelve—died daily aboard British prison ships, mostly from disease. Fortunately for historians, a number of survivors wrote […]

by Editors
Critical Thinking Posted on

Contributor Question: What Scene Do You Wish Had been Depicted Accurately by an Artist?

We asked our contributors what seemed like a simple question: What scene from the American Revolution or the Founding Era (1765–1805, approximately) do you wish had been depicted accurately by an artist? Quite unintentionally, the wording was ambiguous. Some described scenes that they’d like to see an artist render, while others offered events that they […]

by Editors
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Dispatches: The Podcast of the Journal of the American Revolution

We are pleased to announce that the Journal of the American Revolution has launched a new podcast, Dispatches. Each week Dispatches will feature interviews with contributors to the journal as well as authors and other persons of interest to the JAR community, highlighting the latest in scholarship, news, and opinions regarding the Revolutionary and Founding Eras. Hosted […]

by Editors