Author: Alexander Cain

Alexander Cain graduated from Merrimack College in 1993 with a degree in economics and New England School of Law with a juris doctrate. He frequently lectures on constitutional and historical issues, and developments in the United States. Alex has published several research articles relevant to New England militias and loyalists during the American Revolution. He has authored two books: We Stood Our Ground: Lexington in the First Year of the American Revolution (2nd Edition) and I See Nothing but the Horrors of a Civil War. Alex resides in Massachusetts with his wife, Paula, and his children John and Abigail.

War at Sea and Waterways (1775–1783) Posted on

Massachusetts Privateers During the Siege of Boston

Following the Battles of Lexington and Concord, the Massachusetts Grand Army surrounded Boston and began to lay siege to it. The Massachusetts Committee of Safety quickly recognized that in order to drive the British army from the town, it had to starve them out.[1] The British military had a longstanding practice of acquiring fresh provisions […]

by Alexander Cain