Everyone loves pie, everyone loves Martha Washington, and everyone loves… well, two out of three will have to do. But if you do love calves’ feet, this recipe from Martha Washington’s cookbook is for you. The directions are bit sparse, leaving a lot of latitude for adaptation and experimentation. Sack, a Spanish wine akin to sherry, might be difficult to obtain, and adding sugar is advisable. Perhaps a lot.
To make a Calves Foot Pie
After the feet are boiled & picked clean, cut them in small slices, & season them with spice to your own liking, then put in some caraway seeds, currants, & rose water, a little sack, no butter, but suet shredded small, & a little salt.
[This recipe is taken from Karen Hess, Martha Washington’s Booke of Cookery (New York: Columbia University Press, 1981). The spelling has been modernized for readability.]
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