Happy Halloween to all our readers!
Before we look back at our most popular articles of the month, please join us in welcoming three new JAR writers: Michael R. Derderian, Robert Grandchamp and Michael Aikey. Last month, we also welcomed a new JAR advertiser, a Kickstarter campaign for Patriots & Redcoats, the hidden-identity card game capturing the spirit of the Revolutionary War. In just a few weeks, our latest book series book, John Adams vs Thomas Paine: Rival Plans for the Early Republic by Jett B. Conner, will publish. Pre-order your copy on Amazon today. Finally, here are your top 10 most popular articles from October 2017:
- Displaced: The Donation People of 1775 by Katie Turner Getty
- Was the Declaration of Independence Signed on July 4? How Memory Plays Tricks with History by Ray Raphael
- The Affair At Egg Harbor: Massacre Of The Pulaski Legion by Joseph E. Wroblewski
- Analyzing the Founders: A Closer Look at the Signers of Four Founding Documents by Richard J. Werther
- General John Dagworthy: George Washington’s Forgotten American Rival by Eric Sterner
- Luke Ryan: Premier Privateer by Bob Ruppert
- Whale Boats on the Hudson by Phillip R. Giffin
- An American Perspective on the Guard Boats of the Hudson by Michael J. F. Sheehan
- From Fence to Fence: The Battles of Prudence Island by Robert Grandchamp
- From Wannabe Redcoat to Rebel: George Washington’s Journey to Revolution by Geoff Smock
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"Joseph Plumb Martin: The..."
While certainly love to see my hometown's Revolutionary War Chaplain mentioned, John...
"Scott’s Levies: The Virginia..."
John, I enjoyed the article. Thank you. Though, in the second to...
"The Milford Connecticut Cartel"
Mr. Hogan - Your article is astounding! Growing up in Milford I...