Several shiny new things were unveiled at the journal in August—new articles, new writers, new emails, new products, new videos, a new feature, a new advertiser and a refreshed design of the website. Here’s the 30-second rundown:
- Looking for a revolutionary tour experience? Register for Charles Baxley’s exciting new bus and boat tour, “The Swamp Fox Rides Again,” and learn about Francis Marion’s war in South Carolina. Register ASAP while space is available. It sounds epic!
- We welcomed three new writers: Neal Nusholtz, Daniel N. Gullotta and Geoff Smock. Each of their articles made an impact on readers and we look forward to their future contributions.
- Just in time for the new school year, we launched a new Teacher’s Guide to help engage students.
- We also re-organized our YouTube channel (and its hundreds of videos about the American Revolution) to be more of an educational tool. If you’re on YouTube (and you should be if you’re not), be sure to subscribe to the JAR channel today!
- If you haven’t heard, we opened a JAR shop. This is your chance to pick up some cool Revolutionary War-themed t-shirts and a JAR mug. If you’re reading our articles, you should be drinking from our mug. Or wearing our leggings. Or sporting our tees. Or carrying our bags. The proceeds from this gear goes toward supporting and sustaining JAR, so we can continue to bring you enhanced features and content.
- Based on reader feedback, we also strengthened our email news feature to include more article distribution between our monthly newsletters. Subscribe to our email list if you’re not currently receiving our emails. No spam, we promise. Unsubscribe at any time.
- Finally, to complement all the other fancy upgrades, our website was modernized and re-organized to be more reader friendly.
In addition to all the August changes at JAR, we published a healthy variety of fascinating articles from expert writers. Here are the top 10 most popular contributions from the last 31 days:
- Top 10 Banastre Tarleton Myths by John Knight
- Alexander Hamilton’s Extramarital Escapades by John L. Smith, Jr.
- Revolutionary War Olympics: The Games Our Founders Played by Joshua Shepherd
- The Great Awakening and the American Revolution by Daniel N. Gullotta
- Stern Measures: Thomas Jefferson Confronts the “Hair Buyer” by Joshua Shepherd
- Exploring Thomas Jefferson’s Love of Wine by Geoff Smock
- General Israel Putnam: Reputation Revisited by Gene Procknow
- What do Bond Prices tell us about the Early Republic? by Richard Sambasivam
- Daniel McGirth, Banditti of the Southern Frontier by Wayne Lynch
- How Article 7 Freed 3000 Slaves by Bob Ruppert
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"The Federalist Papers"
Excellent overview of the Federalist, and I especially enjoyed the discussion regarding...
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Thanks Gary for your information. It’s very interesting how many different parties...
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Lovely work! I am compiling a book on the patriots of Mecklenburg...