Author: Neal Nusholtz

Neal Nusholtz is a graduate of Oberlin College with an A. B. in economics and a Juris Doctor from Cooley Law School. He currently practices tax law in Troy Michigan, specializing in various areas of income and estate and gift taxes and handling tax litigation in federal district and appellate courts and the United States Tax Court, as well as administrative matters before the Internal Revenue Service. He has authored a number of articles on various aspects of tax law, including the impact of the collection of revenue on the mindset of jurists.

Prewar Politics (<1775) Posted on

How Britain Tried to Intimidate Colonial Taxpayers into Compliance

The Fourth Amendment The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreas­onable sear­ches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no War­rants shall issue, but upon probable cause, sup­ported by Oath or affir­mation, and parti­cularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to […]

by Neal Nusholtz