Author: Editors

Journal of the American Revolution ( is the leading online source for original research on the Revolutionary and Founding Eras.

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This Week on Dispatches: Alex White on the Revolutionary Story of Thomas White

On this week’s Dispatches host Brady Crytzer interviews JAR contributor and University of Wisconsin-Madison employee Alex White on discovering his ancestor’s experience as an officer in the Continental Army who was captured and paroled by the British. Thousands of readers like you enjoy the articles published by the Journal of the American Revolution. Dispatches is a […]

by Editors
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This Week on Dispatches: Robert Scott Davis on Margaret Eustace and the American Revolution

On this week’s Dispatches host Brady Crytzer interviews historian, author, and JAR contributor Robert Scott Davis on Georgian socialite and possible British spy, Margaret Eustace, and how she and her family navigated the American Revolution. Thousands of readers like you enjoy the articles published by the Journal of the American Revolution. Dispatches is a free podcast […]

by Editors
Audiovisual Posted on

This Week on Dispatches: Bridget Barbara on Retracing the Steps of Benedict Arnold and John André

On this week’s Dispatches host Brady Crytzer interviews video producer and JAR contributor Bridget Barbara on her recent video following footsteps of John André and Benedict Arnold through the modern landscape. Thousands of readers like you enjoy the articles published by the Journal of the American Revolution. Dispatches is a free podcast that puts a voice […]

by Editors
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This Week on Dispatches: Damien Cregeau on Ten Revolutionary War Patriot Graves

On this week’s Dispatches host Brady Crytzer interviews historian and JAR contributor Damien Cregeau about ten notable graves and memorials honoring Patriots, from George Washington to Joseph Plumb Martin. Thousands of readers like you enjoy the articles published by the Journal of the American Revolution. Dispatches is a free podcast that puts a voice to the […]

by Editors
Interviews Posted on

This Week on Dispatches: Michael Cecere on Patrick Henry’s March on Williamsburg

On this week’s Dispatches host Brady Crytzer interviews JAR contributor, author, and educator Michael Cecere on his recent article about Patrick Henry’s March on Williamsburg and how that event averted a military confrontation in Virginia. Thousands of readers like you enjoy the articles published by the Journal of the American Revolution. Dispatches is a free podcast that […]

by Editors
Constitutional Debate Posted on

This Week on Dispatches: Jane Hampton Cook on “Remember the Ladies,” Abigail Adams on Women’s Right to Vote

On this week’s Dispatches host Brady Crytzer interviews author and former White House webmaster, Jane Hampton Cook on Abigail Adams’s advice to her husband John to “Remember the Ladies”—consider the voices of women during the debate over how a new country should be governed—an early act in recommending the vote to both women and men. Thousands […]

by Editors
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Contributor Close-up: Kim Burdick

What inspired you to start researching and writing about the Revolution? As a little kid growing up in very rural Chenango County, New York, I remember the astonishment my classmates and I felt when our teacher told us we lived in the Mid-Atlantic.“Uh- Uh,” shouted twenty 4th graders. “We live in New England!!!”  It didn’t […]

by Editors
Diplomacy Posted on

This Week on Dispatches: Kim Burdick on the Atlantic Crossing of the French l’Expédition Particulière

On this week’s Dispatches host Brady Crytzer interviews historian and JAR contributor Kim Burdick about l’Expédition Particulière, the codename for the French fleet that sailed from Europe to support the American war effort following the Treaty of Amity and Friendship. Thousands of readers like you enjoy the articles published by the Journal of the American Revolution. Dispatches […]

by Editors
Critical Thinking Posted on

This Week on Dispatches: Christopher Warren on Documents of the American Revolution

On this week’s Dispatches host Brady Crytzer interviews Christopher Warren, historian and Curator of American History in the Rare Book & Special Collections Division of the Library of Congress, on his recent article in JAR discussing important documents of the American Revolution that are held in the collection. Thousands of readers like you enjoy the articles published […]

by Editors
Engineering and Technology Posted on

This Week on Dispatches: Jeff Dacus on the “Tower of Victory” at the Siege of Fort Watson

On this week’s Dispatches host Brady Crytzer interviews JAR contributor Jeff Dacus on how Light Horse Harry Lee and Francis Marion were able to successfully capture British Fort Watson using a siege tower designed by Maj. Hezekiah Maham. Thousands of readers like you enjoy the articles published by the Journal of the American Revolution. Dispatches is a […]

by Editors
Arts & Literature Posted on

This Week on Dispatches: Greg Aaron on the American Revolution’s Influence on Superheroes

On this week’s Dispatches host Brady Crytzer interviews cybersecurity expert and former trade book editor Greg Aaron on the influence of the American Revolution on the development of some of the most iconic Superheroes and the promotion of the ideals of America in the face of intolerance and fascism. Thousands of readers like you enjoy the articles […]

by Editors
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This Week on Dispatches: Jett Conner on Thomas Paine, Thomas Jefferson, and the Louisiana Purchase

On this week’s Dispatches host Brady Crytzer interviews political scientist, historian, and JAR contributor Jett Conner on his recent article about Thomas Paine’s and Thomas Jefferson’s interpretations of the role of presidential powers used by Jefferson to justify the Louisiana Purchase. Thousands of readers like you enjoy the articles published by the Journal of the American […]

by Editors
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This Week on Dispatches: Christian M. McBurney on General Charles Lee and the Oath of Allegiance

On this week’s Dispatches host Brady Crytzer interviews author, attorney, and JAR contributor, Christian M. McBurney on the enigmatic General Charles Lee and his role in imposing an oath of allegiance on Newport, Rhode Island, Tories in 1775. Thousands of readers like you enjoy the articles published by the Journal of the American Revolution. Dispatches is a […]

by Editors
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Contributor Close-up: George Kotlik

What inspired you to start researching and writing about the American Revolution? The North American War of Independence has been a passion of mine for a long time. I enjoy learning about lesser-known Revolutionary-era topics. Sharing the information I discover with the broader public informs people of forgotten, and often significant, events from history which contributes […]

by Editors
Critical Thinking Posted on

This Week on Dispatches: Geoff Smock on the Influence of the Enlightenment on Thomas Jefferson

On this week’s Dispatches host Brady Crytzer interviews teacher and JAR contributor Geoff Smock on Thomas Jefferson’s enlightenment-influenced views on pandemics, the French Revolution, Shays’ Rebellion, and other events of his time. Thousands of readers like you enjoy the articles published by the Journal of the American Revolution. Dispatches is a free podcast that puts a […]

by Editors
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This Week on Dispatches: Andrew Waters on Nathanael Greene, Thomas Sumter and the Revolution in the South

On this week’s Dispatches host Brady Crytzer interviews author, land conservationist, and JAR contributor Andrew Waters on how Nathanael Greene and Thomas Sumter fought against British control of South Carolina. Thousands of readers like you enjoy the articles published by the Journal of the American Revolution. Dispatches is a free podcast that puts a voice to […]

by Editors
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This Week on Dispatches: Lindsay M. Chervinsky on George Washington and the Cabinet of the United States

On this week’s Dispatches host Brady Crytzer interviews White House historian and author Lindsay M. Chervinsky about her new book on George Washington and the creation of the Cabinet of the United States. Thousands of readers like you enjoy the articles published by the Journal of the American Revolution. Dispatches is a free podcast that puts […]

by Editors
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This Week on Dispatches: Matthew Reardon on the Whaleboat Wars on the Connecticut River

On this week’s Dispatches host Brady Crytzer interviews history teacher and JAR contributor Matthew Reardon on the Loyalist raid up the Connecticut River in 1782 when the war was essentially over. The Connecticut coastline was contested for the duration of the American Revolution in what is called the “whaleboat wars.” Thousands of readers like you enjoy the […]

by Editors
Battles Posted on

This Week on Dispatches: Stephen John Katzberg on Mapping the Battle of Eutaw Springs

On this week’s Dispatches host Brady Crytzer speaks with electrical engineer and JAR contributor Stephen John Katzberg on the significance of the Battle of Eutaw Springs, South Carolina. During his research he applied geographical information systems (GIS) to correct the famous 1822 map of the battle produced by William Johnson. Thousands of readers like you enjoy the […]

by Editors
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Supporting American Revolution History

Restrictions on travel and gather due to the coronavirus pandemic have had a significant impact on historic sites and institutions dedicated to the American Revolution. We asked our contributors to recommend sites and organizations for our readers to consider supporting. The list is in the order received. Brady J. Crytzer Historic Hanna’s Town, Greensburg, PA: […]

by Editors
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This Week on Dispatches: Patrick Naughton on Information Control and the Battles of Lexington and Concord

On this week’s Dispatches host Brady Crytzer interviews active US Army Major and JAR contributor Patrick Naughton on the narrative created by the Provincial Congress following the events at Lexington and Concord in order to control the message about the American rebellion and the initial British response. Thousands of readers like you enjoy the articles published […]

by Editors
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This Week on Dispatches: Andrew Zellers-Frederick on the Military Occupation of Easton

On this week’s Dispatches host Brady Crytzer interviews historian and JAR contributor Andrew Zellers-Frederick on the 0ccupation of Easton, Pennsylvania, by Continental forces gathering for the 1779 invasion of Iroquois territory in New York in order to quell Indian and Tory attacks along the New York and Pennsylvania frontiers. Thousands of readers like you enjoy the […]

by Editors
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This Week on Dispatches: Justin McHenry on John Morgan, William Shippen, and the Fate of the Continental Medical Department

On this week’s Dispatches host Brady Crytzer interviews archivist and JAR contributor Justin McHenry about the heated rivalry between John Morgan and William Shippen over control of the Continental Medical Department. Their professional feud provides an insight into the petty politics and personalities that were as much a part of the Revolutionary era as the great decision […]

by Editors
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Welcome to my Podcast!

With our popular podcast Dispatches now in its second year, we asked our contributors a whimsical question: Which person from the American Revolution and the founding era would you like to hear give a podcast, and on what topic? The responses reflect the range of interests of our readers, and how much remains unknown about this […]

by Editors
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This Week on Dispatches: Brian Patrick O’Malley on Philadelphia’s Yellow Fever Epidemic

On this week’s Dispatches host Brady Crytzer interviews JAR contributor Brian Patrick O’Malley on the social and medical response to the Yellow Fever epidemic that ravaged Philadelphia in 1793 and how the city and community ultimately prevailed. Thousands of readers like you enjoy the articles published by the Journal of the American Revolution. Dispatches is a free […]

by Editors