This September we welcomed two new writers—Bradley Sussner and Tom Shachtman—and published a flurry of fascinating articles. We are all anxiously awaiting the publication of our latest book series book, John Adams vs Thomas Paine: Rival Plans for the Early Republic by Jett B. Conner. Below are the top 10 most popular articles of September:
- Roger Sherman: The Only Man Who Signed All Four Founding Documents by Richard J. Werther
- A Fresh Look at Major Patrick Ferguson by Wayne Lynch
- James Lafayette (James Armistead), American Spy by Ken Daigler
- Thomas Jefferson, the American Revolution, and the Creation of a Republican World by Zachary Brown
- The Widow’s Apron: Life, Death, and a Forgotten Skirmish Along the Old Blackstock Road by Conner Runyan
- America’s First Black Ops by Bob Ruppert
- The French Bread Connection by Tom Shachtman
- Commodore Lewis/Louis Warrington, France’s Revolutionary Gift to America by Patrick H. Hannum
- Patient Hero: John Henry and the Earliest American Account of Posttraumatic Stress by Bradley Sussner
- The 3rd New Jersey Regiment’s Ticonderoga Vendetta by Philip D. Weaver
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Recent Comments
"James Easton vs. Benedict..."
To the Editor: I greatly enjoyed Mr. Elmore’s article about the relationship...
"Dr. Warren’s Crucial Informant"
Fischer’s Paul Revere’s Ride did indeed portray the Gages as estranged after...
"African Americans and Native..."
Thank you for your response Eugene. I too believe this William Lomax...