RevWar Schmoozer 2015


April 5, 2015
by Editors Also by this Author


Journal of the American Revolution is the leading source of knowledge about the American Revolution and Founding Era. We feature smart, groundbreaking research and well-written narratives from expert writers. Our work has been featured by the New York Times, TIME magazine, History Channel, Discovery Channel, Smithsonian, Mental Floss, NPR, and more. Journal of the American Revolution also produces annual hardcover volumes, a branded book series, and the podcast, Dispatches



Mark your calendars!

To celebrate the launch of Annual Volume 2015 and our recently announced book series, Journal of the American Revolution is hosting its second RevWar Schmoozer in Boston. The event is confirmed for Friday, May 8, upstairs at The Point (147 Hanover St.) from 4:30 to 7:30 p.m. The space is reserved exclusively for this shindig and no secret password is required at the door. Join fellow historians and history buffs for a fun, casual evening of sipping (cash bar), schmoozing (networking) and storytelling (well cited, of course). Historians, authors, museum pros, publishers, literary agents, tour guides, professors, students, enthusiasts and Trekkies are all welcome!

On the following day—Saturday, May 9Journal of the American Revolution editors and some friends are planning a free group tour and discussion of the brand new Revolutionary War map exhibit at the Norman B. Leventhal Map Center in Boston Public Library. The exhibit, titled “We are One: Mapping America’s Road from Revolution to Independence,” is a stunning exhibition of cartographic and geographic treasures. The map center tour only has space for 40 people, so you must reserve one of the tickets by registering (click here to register).

Spread the word and hope to see you there for some quality RevWar camaraderie!

RevWar Schmoozer 2015 (Boston)
Upstairs at The Point, 147 Hanover St.
Friday, May 8, 2015
4:30 to 7:30 p.m.

RevWar Map Exhibit Tour
Boston Public Library, Leventhal Map Center
Saturday, May 9, 2015
10 am to Noon (seats limited; registration required)





  • @Brian @Tom RevWar Schmoozers in every colony would be wonderful! Now, if only there was a local museum or chapters of an American Revolution organization to host them.

  • Todd, I am sure I could interest the folks at Mount Independence (Orwell, Vermont) to host an event during the summer months. Just let us know! There are a “few” things of Revolutionary interest around here (Mount Independence, Fort Ticonderoga, Crown Point, Hubbardton, Lake Champlain Maritime Museum, and more). We also have a fairly high per capita ratio of Rev War History geeks in the area.

  • @Ron You and Brian should definitely make RevWar Schmoozer Mohawk Valley happen. With limited resources, JAR is unable to organize and attend Schmoozers in multiple cities. Though, with 80+ contributors, we may succeed in having a representative present every time. They are very casual — all you need is a three-hour cash bar and a few RevWar enthusiasts — so I encourage readers to take the initiative and organize more of them. JAR will gladly provide a plug or two in exchange for a toast. 🙂

  • We’ll definitely keep that in mind, Derek. That weekend tends to be challenging since there are a lot of events being held concurrently around town. And the Boston Marathon is typically held the following Monday. As a result, the availability of hotel and venue space decreases (and prices increase). Plus, we’d be competing for a slice of everyone’s schedule. The last two times we coordinated this event, we identified dates for their lack of conflict with other events. And since this is partly intended to be a book launch party, a lot also rides on the publication date of the 2016 annual volume. Next year, we’ll also be celebrating the launch of the first two books in the series imprint, so finding the perfect date will weigh on a lot of factors.

  • Thanks for organizing the Friday get together and the Saturday tour of the map exhibit at the Boston Public Library. For those who couldn’t make it, the exhibit is outstanding. Definitely worth seeing. (Photos from our tour this morning: We were told that images of all of the maps in the exhibit are online here: There’s a great interface that allows you to zoom in and study the maps closely.

    Thanks, again, Todd, for being the catalyst for all this.

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