Top 10 Articles of March 2015


March 31, 2015
by Editors Also by this Author


Journal of the American Revolution is the leading source of knowledge about the American Revolution and Founding Era. We feature smart, groundbreaking research and well-written narratives from expert writers. Our work has been featured by the New York Times, TIME magazine, History Channel, Discovery Channel, Smithsonian, Mental Floss, NPR, and more. Journal of the American Revolution also produces annual hardcover volumes, a branded book series, and the podcast, Dispatches



This was a momentous month for Journal of the American Revolution. Yesterday, we officially announced our new book series with Westholme and the first two titles that will publish next March:

  • The Road to Concord: How Four Small Cannons Set Off the American Revolution
    by J. L. Bell
  • Grand Forage 1778: The Revolutionary War’s Forgotten Campaign
    by Todd W. Braisted

This is an exciting opportunity for us to expand our JAR product line beyond the online magazine and annual collector’s volumes, as well as provide another meaningful publishing channel to our writers and readers. As JAR grows, so do our responsibilities. Realizing the need for greater depth and breadth of editorial leadership and subject matter expertise, we also announced in March that Jim Piecuch and Ray Raphael have joined JAR’s editorial board. We also welcomed Merv O. Aherns as a new writer and the Fort Plain Museum as a new advertiser. The Fort Plain Museum, in the heart of upstate New York, is proud to announce its “First Annual Conference on the American Revolution in the Mohawk Valley.” Now, as always…

Top 10 Most Popular Articles of March 2015

  1. Tides and Tonnage: A Different Take on the Boston Tea Party by Hugh T. Harrington
  2. 4 Infamous Intelligence Failures by Michael Schellhammer
  3. Invading America: The Flatboats That Landed Thousands of British Troops on American Beaches by Hugh T. Harrington
  4. British Fascination with Ethan Allen by Gene Procknow
  5. General Who? by Jeff Dacus
  6. 10 Disabled British Pensioners by Don N. Hagist
  7. The Complete Continental Cartridge Canisters Chronicles by Michael Barbieri
  8. The Mecklenburg Declaration in Revolutionary War Pension Applications by Scott Syfert
  9. 10 Quotes on Tyranny by A. K. Fielding
  10. Washington’s Second Christmas Day Attack by Bob Ruppert

One thought on “Top 10 Articles of March 2015

  • Congratulations to all nine writers in the March 2015 Top Ten most popular articles! A nice variety of subject matter offered here, as always. (I say nine writers because Hugh T. Harrington had two articles on the list… numbers one and three. Congrats to Hugh also!).

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