October was a month of many amazing milestones for us. We surpassed 250,000 readers, 1000 comments and 200 articles. We also sent our first collector’s hardcover edition to the printer (read the official press announcement).
If you’ve enjoyed the 100% free daily content we’ve been providing since January, please show your support by buying a copy or two directly from the publisher so they can make a few extra bucks and have the incentive to do it again next year. Our content has been almost entirely ad free for the first year, so this is essentially our only fundraiser of the year. Think of it as our version of Girl Scout cookies. Instead of getting a few boxes of Thin Mints and Tagalongs, you will receive a stunning, 250-page, full-color history book with 60 articles by 20 historians. And just for the print edition, we’ve commissioned several new essays by J. L. Bell, Thomas Fleming, Benjamin L. Carp, Ray Raphael, Benjamin H. Irvin and others. If you like the online journal, you’ll love the print book.
Finally, as always, below are the most popular articles from the past month, which include several of the group interviews where we asked a bunch of experts the same questions.
- Scotland and the American Revolution by Matthew P. Dziennik
- Anything but Humble: Pie for Dinner by Lars D. H. Hedbor
- Most Overrated Revolutionary?
- Most Underrated Revolutionary?
- When were they Patriots and Loyalists?
- The 10 Worst Continental Army Generals by William M. Welsch
- Christmas Night 1776: How Did They Cross? by William M. Welsch
- Hyping the Boston Massacre by Michael Schellhammer
- Could America Have Thrived Without Slavery?
- 12 Questions with Ray Raphael by Todd Andrlik
Recent Articles
The Retreat of Popular Sovereignty
Making the Presidency: John Adams and the Precedents That Forged the Republic
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Recent Comments
"The Retreat of Popular..."
Thank you for an excellent discussion of the differences between constitutional versus...
"The Culper Spy Ring..."
Looking back I realized the cause of the error. The date of...
"Patrick Ferguson’s Fortification Proposals..."
Brian, Fantastic read and materials! Glad to see the dots connecting Ferguson’s...