Top 10 Articles in August 2013


August 30, 2013
by Editors Also by this Author


Journal of the American Revolution is the leading source of knowledge about the American Revolution and Founding Era. We feature smart, groundbreaking research and well-written narratives from expert writers. Our work has been featured by the New York Times, TIME magazine, History Channel, Discovery Channel, Smithsonian, Mental Floss, NPR, and more. Journal of the American Revolution also produces annual hardcover volumes, a branded book series, and the podcast, Dispatches



Journal of the American Revolution as seen on MSNBC, 8/13/13.
Journal of the American Revolution as seen on MSNBC, 8/13/13.

It has been a wild month for Journal of the American Revolution. Don N. Hagist, author of British Soldiers, American War, officially joined our team as an editor. And thanks to our recent article about the ages of Founding Fathers going viral, we had 90,000 readers in August! TIME, Slate, Washington Post, Bloomberg, UPI, MSNBC, KCRW Public Radio and all cited or featured us. The Slate article alone generated more than 350 comments, 5600 Facebook likes, and 580 tweets in just 72 hours. This is hopefully the first of many times that goes viral! To archive our ongoing media coverage related to all syndicated or cited articles, we’ve created an “As seen on…” page.

We’ve also made exciting progress on our print book, which is being published by Ertel Publishing this November. The 250-page, full-color, hardcover, commemorative print edition is half-way through the design stage. It will be titled Journal of the American Revolution: (Volume 1) and will look amazing! The exclusive, never-before-published submissions comprise about 20% of the book and they turned out fantastic – you’ll love them and learn a ton about the Revolution!

With nine full months under our belt, we’re off to a great start. We know all of this wasn’t/isn’t possible without our outstanding contributors and their articles, so thank you to all our writers for the time and energy they commit to Journal of the American Revolution. If you have a knack for historical research and writing, and have an article idea, we’d love to hear from you. Finally, without further ado…

Top 10 Most Popular Articles in August 2013

  1. Ages of Revolution: How Old Were They on July 4, 1776? by Todd Andrlik
  2. The Aim of British Soldiers by Don N. Hagist
  3. Top 10 Continental Army Generals by William M. Welsch
  4. A Colonial New Orleans Meal by Lars D. H. Hedbor
  5. Remembering Pauline Maier (1938-2013) by Editors
  6. Was General Anthony Wayne Murdered? by Hugh T. Harrington
  7. Greatness Speaks to Greatness, One Last Time by Thomas Fleming
  8. The Historiography of the American Revolution by Michael D. Hattem
  9. How Far is “Musket Shot”? Farther Than You Think by Michael Barbieri
  10. Alcohol to Zealotry: The Revolution A to Z by Matthew P. Dziennik



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