Tag: Medicine

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Throughout the American Revolution, opposing armies fought a common enemy. Primary documents on both sides are full of complaints, descriptions and responses to the attacks of a stubborn adversary; fever. As the Declaration of Independence was being prepared, Joseph Hewes of North Carolina complained from Philadelphia on May 17, 1776, “An obstinate ague and Fever, […]

by Kim Burdick
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Henry Knox, Drug Dealer?

How many times does someone get the chance to read through the business correspondence files of one of the Founding Era’s most fascinating personalities? I had the distinct privilege of doing just that while researching an angle of Henry Knox’s Boston bookstore. I learned that Henry sold much more than just books – he sold […]

by John L. Smith, Jr.
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How to Treat a Scalped Head

When one thinks of injuries received in battle during the Revolutionary War wounds from gunshots, bayonets and swords come to mind.  A far less common wound was that of a scalping victim.  In most cases the scalping victim was already dead or soon would be dead when the scalping took place.  There were however instances […]

by Hugh T. Harrington