Tag: Group Interview

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Washington’s Biggest Blunder?

In your opinion, what was George Washington’s biggest blunder of the war? Its impact, if any?   Washington’s whole approach to the defense of New York was one of history’s great debacles: lack of imagination about the British landing, failure to supervise subordinates in preparing the Brooklyn defenses, boxing himself into Brooklyn Heights with no […]

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When were they Patriots and Loyalists?

At what point during the American Revolution is it most acceptable to classify colonists as either Patriots or Loyalists?   1776.  Before this, many people who were indisputably Patriots (John Dickinson, James Wilson) were also loyal; in fact, most still professed loyalty.  They were being forced to make choices in 1773, 1774, 1775—but after July […]

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Could America Have Thrived Without Slavery?

Could the new nation have thrived economically if slavery had been abolished when the colonies won independence?   Probably would have thrived even more.  Tobacco economy was bust by the 1770s, Virginia and Maryland had too many slaves, freeing them would have pushed Virginians into other economic fields, led more into the Ohio territory (where […]

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Most Overrated Revolutionary?

John Paul Jones. A good ship captain and tenacious fighter but an abysmally bad squadron commander and a tireless self-promoter and schemer, who was deservedly disliked by subordinates and peers and who certainly does not warrant the title “Father of the United States Navy.” –Dennis M. Conrad   Tough question—most of the characters are forgotten, […]

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Most Underrated Revolutionary?

While Nathanael Greene is getting greater recognition, I believe his contributions are still undervalued because the American cause in the South was on “life support” when he assumed command in 1780 and in less than a year and with virtually no outside material or manpower support, he redeemed it. –Dennis M. Conrad   All are […]

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Was American Independence Inevitable?

Yes and no. I do not believe British efforts to create a true empire could have worked. The colonies had for many years been moving toward autonomy and were unwilling to accept the sort of imperial structure and dependency the British government tried to establish at the end of the Seven Years War, especially as […]

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