Tag: Group Interview 3

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Most underrated battle?

Most underrated battle of the Revolutionary War? Why?   The most underrated battle of the war was Springfield, New Jersey, in 1780. If the Americans had lost, the war would have been virtually over. –Thomas Fleming   In the Battle of Pollilur on 10 Sept 1780, the forces of Mysore wiped out a British army of more […]

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Most overrated battle?

Most overrated battle of the Revolutionary War? Why?   Saratoga. It wasn’t a turning point and the general who theoretically won it, Horatio Gates, was a coward and a fake. –Thomas Fleming   Not a battle, but one of the most famous events of the war: Paul Revere’s ride was a brave, stirring act, but […]

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The American Revolution in One Tweet?

Twitter is the enormously popular social networking tool that enables one user to send “tweets” to many followers, or subscribers. The text message-like tweets are limited to 140 characters. Hence, the question: How would you describe the American Revolution in 140 characters or less?   The American Revolution was a complex eight year semi-civil war that was […]

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Favorite Quote?

What is your favorite quote by a Revolutionary?   “I see one head turning into thirteen.” Washington said this several times in the closing years of the war. After independence, it was THE crucial issue. –Thomas Fleming   “But what is government itself, but the greatest of all reflections on human nature? If men were angels, […]

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The One Big Mystery?

What’s the one unanswered question about the American Revolution you’d most like answered? Put another way, what’s one remaining mystery of the Revolution that you’d most like solved?   Did General Washington order New York City burned in 1776? There is evidence that he discussed it. But no definite proof that he gave the order. […]

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