Tag: Emistisiguo

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African Americans and Native Americans of the Revolutionary War Era Who Should Be Better Remembered

We regularly ask our contributors questions about the American Revolution and founding era. This month we’ve asked them to tell us about an African American or Native American associated with the 1765-1805 era who does NOT have a Wikipedia entry, but who should. Lars D. H. Hedbor The Marquis de Rouvray, who commanded the regiment of […]

by Editors
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His Majesty’s Indian Allies: 10 Notables

In many respects it was a sobering testament to Britain’s mounting resolve to suppress the Revolution at all costs.  “It is his Majesty’s resolution,” explained Lord George Germain, “that the most vigorous Effort should be made, and every means employed that Providence has put into His Majesty’s Hands, for crushing the Rebellion.”  The vigorous effort […]

by Joshua Shepherd