Author: Susan Brynne Long

Susan “Brynne” Long is a graduate student in the American Civilization program at the University of Delaware. She earned her B.A. in American Studies with a minor in History at Georgetown University. Her current research concerns the local reception of prisoners of war during the American Revolution. Brynne is a lover of all things early America, and often visits historic sites, especially Colonial Williamsburg. She can often be found with a history book in one hand and a cup of earl grey in the other.

Politics During the War (1775-1783) Posted on

Rutland’s Rebellion: Defending Local Governance during the Revolution

Typically, countries at war do not detain enemy prisoners in the backyards of their citizens. During the Revolutionary War Britain’s soon-to-be independent North American colonies proved an exception to this rule. For the fledgling nation, the action was a matter of necessity, one which forced host towns across the colonies to confront the fight for […]

by Susan Brynne Long