Author: Robert J. Walworth

For the last thirteen years, Bob has extensively researched the history and migration of the first three generations of the American Walworth family that emigrated from England to Connecticut in 1689. Bob is currently working on finalizing a book on the Walworth family’s land struggles and experienced in the Revolutionary War. Bob is a graduate of Oakland University in Rochester Michigan and recently retired from a career as a forensic CPA, financial investigator, and expert witness.

Prewar Politics (<1775) Posted on

The Green Mountain Insurgency: New York’s Rebellion Against the Crown

The pre-Revolutionary War history of Vermont centered on a border dispute between the colonies of New York and New Hampshire. It is a complicated but colorful history, one that has been populated through the years with stories of greedy royal governors, show trials by corrupt provincial officials, land hungry settlers, shady land speculators, lawless vagabonds […]

by Robert J. Walworth