Author: Phoenix Dalto

Phoenix Dalto is a student at Yale University studying political science and statistics and data science. Phoenix found his love for history while growing up in the Hudson Valley, an area that is uniquely intertwined with the founding of our country. He spent three years working at the Stony Point Battlefield State Historic Site, where he helped run the site’s interpretation programs and assisted senior staff with ongoing research. Phoenix is most interested in the Founding Era, with his research focusing primarily on the drafting of the Constitution and the early presidents and vice-presidents.

Constitutional Debate Posted on

An Absent Clause: The Exclusion of Madison’s 16th Amendment

A separation of powers is a defining structural feature of the federal government established by the United States Constitution, yet an explicit statement of the concept exists nowhere in the document. If James Madison had had his way there indeed would have been a clause pronouncing the Legislative, Executive, and Judicial branches to be distinct […]

by Phoenix Dalto