Author: John Settle

John Settle teaches U.S. History at Nandua Middle School in Accomack County, VA. He received his B.A. in History at Bridgewater College at Bridgewater, VA. Mr. Settle was a military interpreter at the Colonial Williamsburg Foundation from 2019 to 2022. Mr. Settle has written for the Fluvanna County Historical Society and has worked with that organization in other research projects. The research of Mr. Settle is focused on the military experience of the regular troops and the militia of Virginia during the American Revolution and the campaigns they were involved in.

The War Years (1775-1783) Posted on

Scott’s Levies: The Virginia Detachments, 1779-1780

The Virginia Continental Line had suffered with recruitment since the spring of 1777. Desertion, battlefield casualties, and competition with other state units prevented enough men being recruited to replenish the ranks of Virginia’s fifteen regiments. A new recruiting act, including a limited military draft, had produced fewer than 800 recruits for the Virginia Continental Line […]

by John Settle