Author: George Burkes

George Burkes is a retired reference librarian after working for the Congressional Research Service and the U.S. Department of State for a number of years. HE has a B.A. in history from George Mason University, a MLS from Catholic University, and a MSSI from the National Intelligence University. He is especially attracted to the revolutionary era of our history after finding out he is related to people in South Carolina and New York during this time; he has ancestors who fought for both sides in the revolution. His father taught high school history and government and he gravitated to the stories of our past. As president Adams says in the movie Amistad, "Who we are, is who we were."

Autobiography and Biography Posted on

Christopher Gadsden and the Origins of a Revolutionary

Christopher Gadsden arrived as a South Carolina delegate to the Second Continental Congress three weeks after fighting at Lexington and Concord lit the tinder for the American Revolution. He succinctly captured the backlash of collective anxiety when he created the iconic flag of a coiled and agitated rattlesnake conspicuously warning Britain of the ramifications with […]

by George Burkes