Author: Bruce Ware Allen

Bruce Ware Allen writes about history in Madison Connecticut. He grew up in New Jersey, the Netherlands, and Italy and received a degree in classics from Duke University. He is the author of The Great Siege of Malta: The Epic Battle between the Ottoman Empire and the Knights of St. John(ForeEdge, 2015). His interest in the American Revolution stems in part from stories of his g-g-g-great-grandfather Phineas Allen who, as a sixteen year old volunteer from Massachusetts, was present at the hanging of Major Andre at West Point.

Postwar Politics (>1783) Posted on

A Proposed Alliance of the Knights of Malta and the United States of America

On the face of it, there would seem no greater natural disparity between the two countries,  one an ancient aristocratic pan-European (but mostly French) Catholic military theocracy, the other a modern, egalitarian, Anglo-Saxon, Protestant confederation.  Nevertheless, during the American Revolution, a healthy number of Order of Knights of the Hospital of Saint John of Jerusalem […]

by Bruce Ware Allen