On the first Friday of each month those who have Sirius XM radio can listen to “Revolution Road with the Journal of the American Revolution,” during the Dave Nemo Show, 7–11 AM Eastern on Sirius/XM146.

This Friday, November 9, at 10 AM, Todd Braisted will be discussing the military role played by Loyalists supporting the British during the American Revolution. Perhaps 50,000 or so Americans at one time or another took up arms against their fellow Americans during the war, which gave it a civil war quality that many people are unaware of today. For background information on the topic, Todd invites you to peruse his Institute for Advanced Loyalist Studies.
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Catch “Revolution Road with Journal of the American Revolution” the first Friday of each month on the Dave Nemo Show.
Upcoming shows:
December 7, 10:00 AM: John Smith on America’s attempt to take Canada
January 4, 10:00 AM: Mike Barbieri on weapons of the American Revolution
One thought on “Revolution Road with the Journal of the American Revolution: Todd Braisted on the Military Role of Loyalists”
Huzzah, huzzah, huzzah! Light up the airwaves, Todd!