On the first Friday of each month those who have Sirius XM radio can listen to a new program, Revolution Road with the Journal of the American Revolution, as part of the Dave Nemo Show, 7–11 AM Eastern on Sirius/XM146.

This Friday, October 5, at 8 AM, J.L. Bell will discuss the 250th anniversary of the landing of British troops in Boston in October 1768 and the larger story of how Boston was such a stubborn, violent town in the decade leading up to the Revolutionary War. From the first Stamp Act riots in 1765 through the Boston Massacre of 1770, the Boston Tea Party of 1773, and the outbreak of war in 1775, Boston was the Crown government’s most constant problem. In 1768, the big issue was the Townshend duties, new tariffs collected by the Customs service on selected commodities, particularly tea. There will be a side discussion on caffeine consumption in colonial times.
Catch “Revolution Road with Journal of the American Revolution” the first Friday of each month.
Upcoming shows are:
November 9th, 10:00 AM: Todd Braisted on the military role played by Loyalists
December 7th, 10:00 AM: John L. Smith on America’s attempt to take Canada
January 4th, 10:00 AM: Mike Barbieri on weapons of the American Revolution
Don’t have Sirius. Will these be posted elsewhere or linked here for future listening? Sounds very interesting. Thanks.
Agreed with Ron- would be interested to hear the voices behind some of the articles, and can’t make a quick trip from CA over to the East Coast to go on some of the tours/conferences that are often advertised. Sounds interesting and hope it takes off!
Thank you for your interest in these broadcasts. We are looking into ways to make recordings available, but right now listening to the live show is the only way to hear them. When they’re available by other means, we’ll make an announcement.