American Revolution Round Tables (ARRTs) are devoted to the study of all aspects of the American Revolution and Revolutionary War. Composed of historically-minded individuals, each ARRT provides a forum for the exploration, discussion, and sharing of knowledge about this critical period of our country’s history. All are welcome to join in this enlightening and enjoyable pursuit, regardless of knowledge level or background.

Each ARRT typically hosts four to six meetings a year, which sometimes includes a cocktail hour and usually a dinner, followed by a speaker or other discussion as part of its main program. Speakers include authors of recent Revolutionary War books, those promoting the preservation of Revolutionary War heritage and sites, and other experts in the field.
Each ARRT is an independent entity and serves its local area. If you are interested in joining one, and we hope you are, you might consider the one closest to you. Membership benefits generally include being on a newsletter list that discusses upcoming local events related to the Revolutionary War and meetings. Most ARRTs charge for the dinners that are served, although not every ARRT serves a dinner. You can also attend meetings without joining the ARRT.
Here is a list of the participating ARRTs who are sponsoring this advertisement, their locations, next meetings and contact information. The list is in order of north to south, based on meeting locations. Please contact one of us now!
American Revolution Round Table of Minute Man National Historical Park
- Meetings usually held at the Visitor Center of Minute Man National Historical Park (off route 2A near the Battle Road Trail), in Concord, MA
- For more information, email Mel Bernstein, Moderator, at mb****@gm***.com or call him at (781) 259-9926
American Revolution Round Table—New York
- Meetings held at The Coffee House (private club), 20 West 44th Street, 6th Floor, New York, NY
- For more information, email David Jacobs, Chairman, at dj*******@sn**.net or go to
North Jersey American Revolution Round Table
- Meetings held at Washington’s Headquarters Museum, 30 Washington Place, Morristown, NJ 07960
- For more information, email Rich Rosenthal, Corresponding Secretary, at NJ*********@ao*.com, or go to
American Revolutionary War Roundtable (Bergen County, N.J.)
- Meetings held at The Iron Horse Restaurant, 20 Washington Avenue, Westwood, NJ (dinner optional)
- For more information, email Roxanne Memmolo, Chairman, at rx***@ya***.com“>rx***@ya***.com
American Revolution Roundtable of Carlisle
- This ARRT, which is currently being organized, will serve the area of Carlisle, Pennsylvania. For information on joining it, please contact Mark DeVecchis at re********@gm***.com or call him at (717) 543-5752.
American Revolution Round Table of Philadelphia
- Meetings held at Magerk’s Pub and Grill, 582 South Bethlehem Pike, Ft Washington PA 19034
- For more information, email Bill Ochester, President, at Oc****@ao*.com or call him at (215) 601-7051, or go to
American Revolution Round Table of Northern Delaware
- Meetings held at Hale-Byrnes House, 606 (Old) Stanton-Christiana Road, Newark, DE 19713
- For more information, email Kim Burdick, Founder & Chairman, at Ha*************@ao*.com, or go to
American Revolution Round Table of Washington, D.C.
- Meetings held at Officers’ Club, Fort Myer, Arlington, VA (open to the public)
- For more information, email Christian McBurney, Secretary, at cm*******@ni**********.com or go to
American Revolution Round Table of Richmond
- Meetings held at Heilman Dining Center at the University of Richmond’s campus
- For more information, email Bill Welsch, President, at ar***********@gm***.com or go to
American Revolution Round Table of Williamsburg/Yorktown
- Meetings held at Grace Episcopal Church (Parish Hall), 111 Church Street, Yorktown, VA
- For more information, email Sean Heuvel, Vice President, at se********@gm***.com or go to
American Revolutionary Roundtable of the Backcountry
- Meetings held at Montgomery Room, Burwell Building, Wofford College, Spartanburg, SC 29303-3663
- For more information, email Charlie Gray, President, at gr****@wo*****.edu or call him at (864) 641-8378
Any chance the ARRT would like to start a Mohawk Valley Chapter? Or they could start a Hudson/Mohawk Valleys Chapter? Just a thought! I will search the ARRT to try to find a contact. Thank you for posting this!
Brian that is a fantastic idea!
I am sure you can already think of a couple dozen or more people that would eagerly join!
Will you be at the Fort Plain Museum on the 18th?
Hi David,
I will be there. Are you the David Brooks from Schoharie Crossing?
I am hoping to make it as well, however I am conducting a program from 5:30-6:30p so it may be a rush to get there on time. Yes, currently working at Schoharie Crossing and it has been fantastic so far!
Anyone know of an Ohio Round Table… Say, Dayton? Thanks for the great informative site!
On January January 18, 2017, the Lehigh Valley American Revolution Round Table was established in Easton, Pennsylvania at the Sigal Museum (the headquarters for the Northampton County Historical & Genealogical Museum). The Sigal Museum is located at 342 Northampton Street in Easton. Meeting are held the third Wednesday of the month at 6:30 PM. For more information please contact Andrew Zellers-Frederick at 610-253-1222 extension #11.
Any plans to start a Westchester County NY roundtable?
I wish there was one in Texas!
tried to get one going a few years ago but didn’t find the right folks. 🙂