Most scholars of the American Revolution do their research in libraries and digital archives. Google Books, JSTOR, American Archives and Founders Online are among the hottest mostly-free online resources for serious exploration. While I love deep-archive diving as much as the next professional, I also find great joy in the occasional shallow or leisurely swims of other content pools, such as YouTube, Twitter, Digg, iTunes, SlideShare and Prezi.
SlideShare and Prezi, perhaps two of the least recognizable names on my list, are popular presentation sites. The former is used primarily for sharing existing presentations and documents. The latter, a unique alternative to PowerPoint, is both a creation and discovery tool. When searching for Revolution-related content on these sites, you will find a wealth of teacher and student presentations from the middle and high school levels. Many will cringe at the typical oversights and consolidations, such as the Saratoga-to-Yorktown leap, but many will also appreciate the effort and creativity displayed by these often impressive productions. They provide us with an inside-the-classroom glimpse of what is actually being taught, consumed and produced across the country today. Below are a few American Revolution presentations to kick-start your curiosity.
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"Washington’s Marines: The Origin..."
Excellent review--thoughtful, knowledgeable, well written and informative.
"Washington’s Marines: The Origin..."
Jason Bohm served as and retired as a Major General in the...
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