Author: Janice Hume

Janice Hume is a professor and head of the Department of Journalism in the Grady College of Journalism and Mass Communication at the University of Georgia. Her latest book, Popular Media and the American Revolution: Shaping Collective Memory, is scheduled for release in mid December by Routledge, a division of Taylor & Frances. She is author of Obituaries in American Culture (University Press of Mississippi, 2000) and co-author of Journalism in a Culture of Grief (Routledge, 2008).

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Media, Memory and Revolution

Icons of the American Revolution are ubiquitous in American culture. They grace our currency, sell Hondas in television ads, teach lessons via children’s cartoons, climb the history bestseller lists, and dot our landscape on markers and memorials. This isn’t surprising. The Revolution is our first real “story” as an independent nation, distinct from native and […]

by Janice Hume